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Gut Health

Many people don’t even think about the importance of gut health. But they should. That’s because more than 75% of your immune system is managed by your gut. If you have poor gut health, you’ll likely experience bothersome issues, such as heartburn, cramps, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. You may also be at risk for more serious health conditions caused or influenced by poor gut health. The good news is you can take steps to improve your gut and overall health!

Our Healthy Gut Giveaway

For more helpful tips on getting your gut in good shape, Betty Murray is offering a “Girl’s Guide to Gut Health paper.” Here are some topics covered:

  • Your gut is loaded with bacteria
  • The consequences of an unhealthy gut
  • The causes of an unhealthy gut
  • What leaky gut syndrome is & its associated health implications
  • Elimination diet
  • Food allergies vs. sensitivities
  • Tips for enhancing gut health

To access this valuable information, just provide your first and last name and email address, and we’ll send you the paper for free! We want to help you have a healthy gut and healthy body!


Gut Health Dallas TX | (972) 930-0260