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Why You Should Have Your Hormones Tested & Stop Medical Gaslighting Women

Recently, Betty stumbled upon the website of a national organization that promotes women’s hormone management. In one video, their male medical director claimed that women’s hormones don’t need to be tested because they are unpredictable. In his words, looking at the symptoms is enough.

Being in practice for 18 years, these types of views are unfortunately familiar to Betty. But today, she’s here to call it out for what it truly is—medical gaslighting.

In this episode, Betty talks about medical gaslighting, what it is, and the ways women are gaslit around their health. Whether a doctor dismisses your symptoms or blames your hormonal problems for a psychological problem, all forms of gaslighting are also a form of abuse. Taking you through this, you’ll hear exactly what a healthy doctor-patient partnership should look like.

Betty will also bust the myths about unpredictable hormones and testing. She’ll explain what hormones you should test and why you should test rather than just going off of symptoms. By ending the guessing game, you’ll jump off the medication roller coaster and treat your hormone problems at their root.

It’s time to take a stand and do your part to end medical gaslighting today.

Key Topics/Takeaways:

● What gaslighting is and who it happens to.
● How the medical field abuses women.
● Ways women are gaslit around their hormones.
● Why hormone testing is essential.
● Which hormones you should really test for.
● What to do if you’re being medically gaslit.

Memorable Quotes:

“The most common drug that is now prescribed for hormone changes in menopause is an antidepressant. It is not a psychological problem, it is a hormonal problem.” (4:56, Betty)

“So yes, our hormones are all over the place. But you know what? They also are predictable.” (9:07, Betty)

“We should test and see where somebody’s hormones are at because you could have all kinds of symptoms that can cross these hormonal boundaries. And instead of guessing and putting people through sort of a medical prescriptive rollercoaster ride, you could get much more targeted and much more specific about what somebody needs, and you can actually correct for the things that are wrong.” (13:16, Betty)

“What gets measured gets fixed, what gets measured gets done.” (15:59, Betty)

“It takes on average 17 years for whatever’s in the research to make it into clinical practice and medical schools. And I quote, won’t teach it until it’s considered standard of care in the general medical community, which means the medical schools are the ones that are the furthest behind.” (19:18, Betty)

Connect with Betty Murray:

Living Well Dallas
Menopause Metabolism Mastery



Menopause Mastery Podcast | (972) 930-0260